Links. What the hell else did you think you'd find here, a Zelda character?

The above pic has nothing to do with links, but I had to put it someplace...
Airsoft sites with forums, news, and reviews...
Arnie's Airsoft
Best thing from the UK since Benny Hill-- and it's airsoft-related!
This site has decent info on their forums with members from all over the world; now you can put all those nasty words you learned in German to good use!
Airsoft Retreat
Has a forum with the usual: great reviews, countless repeated questions, and flame wars among 12-year old kids. Reminds me of the old Airsoft Zones shortly before it went under... ^_^
Airsoft Core
I don't hit this sites' forum that often, but it's there.
Various Hawaii airsoft sites...
Airsoft Hawaii
Helping friends shoot friends for ~15 years! Why play at St. Louis Heights or Waimano and get shot by real cops with real guns when you can pay for a full day of anger management?
Kam 888 Airsoft
Matt has left the island, so Kenny's page is taking the slot-- and while homemade LAW's and bullet-riddles washing machines are tough to top, Kenny's page offers up some great info on the Maruzen APS2, the Killer Studios Cyber AUG, and some great prices on the Prometheus AEG upgrade parts. (Just FYI, I installed a Prometheus MS120 spring in a full-sized AK with an SG1 inner barrel and no other power-related upgrades, and the gun shot fairly consistant at the 364/.20 mark, so it looks like they use a meter/sec. measurement like Systema does to gauge their springs, but with .20's instead of the .25's.)
Airsoft Players of Hawaii
A newer Hawaii site, with forums! Also info on the new fields that are in development!
Hawaii Airsoft
Best thing to check out here are the forums; yeah, there's some mud-slinging and retailer ass-kissing, but every once in a while a true gem of information can be found. And, with much less flaming and post-spamming found on most other forums!
Blake's Airsoft
Click here to see Blake and other evils that frequent the ASH Nanakuli field... a great site with guns worth more than what your parents would pay a kidnapper to get your sorry ass back in their lives.
Epowersports LLC
Second newest store to open in Hawaii! Ernie specializes in custom work, but does have several stock guns in stock (did that sound right?). You can also pick up a prebuilt custom gun, already internally upgraded! 1023-E Pensacola Street 2nd Floor Honolulu, Hawaii 96814 (808)597-8820
The newest shop to open up in Hawaii, located in downtown Honolulu. Kenny and Alan run this gig, and this is probably the only place that I would trust sending my gun to. If you want your CA870 tuned from stock to postal, Kenny is the guy to see. They also do work on AEG's and higher-end GBB pistols. I used to play airsoft with these two, and believe me, they know their shit. Okay, you don't have to believe me, but they still got their stuff down.
2000 South Beretania St. Suite C
Honolulu, Hawaii 96826
Tel: (808) 942-0008
Powder Edge
Just kidding, no snowboards here. They have this great "squash all other competitors" sale going on where you can score some good stuff at semi-great low prices; just do your homework make sure you know exactly what you want to get. Don't forget to check out the CQB pencil box arena of doom!
Enlil's airsoft site...
My only memories of this guy are those of getting nailed by his damn APS. Bastard. The "Caveman Chronicles" are certainly worth reading though...